Positive Wellbeing Benefits Everyone
It can often be challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. We at Square One appreciate that, and this is why we are proud to offer an exceptional wellbeing and benefits package to all of our employees.
Our wellbeing scheme works because it is led by employee feedback; once a quarter, we ask our team what we can do to improve day-to-day life at Square One, and, where possible, we tailor our benefits in response to their suggestions.

Our Recent Activites
All-In-One Benefits
& Wellbeing Package


from Home

from Abroad

Assistance Program

We Listen to Our Team
Did you know that we have regularly scheduled Stop, Start, Carry On sessions with all our employees?
It's an informal get-together where everyone across the business has a chance to provide feedback on what they would like to see Square One stop, start and carry on doing.
The perfect way for the whole team to have their say and talk to key decision-makers on improving working for Square One for everyone.